SOMPO Insurance joins the CPD courses provided by ITech Asia and OXFAM Hong Kong
Hong Kong – September 26, 2022 – Sompo Insurance Hong Kong Co., Ltd. (“SOMPO HK") announces the joining of continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses offered by Itech (Asia) Company Limited in April, in which the CPD courses fee will be donated to Oxfam Hong Kong.
Itech (Asia) Company Limited provides training courses and consultancy services to practitioners in the insurance industry. The institution also organises fund-raising events for the support of charity organisations. In April 2022. Itech (Asia) Company Limited, coordinated with OXFAM Hong Kong, announced the offer of courses for corporations. OXFAM Hong Kong has been focusing on local poverty alleviation and striving to achieve the ultimate goal of a poverty-free world. The charitable organization has made great contribution to the establishment and improvement of pro-poor policy in Hong Kong.
SOMPO HK, as one of the best Japanese insurance companies in Hong Kong. We believe employees & business partners are the company’s greatest asset. We provide professional training and development opportunities to SOMPO employees & our intermediates for the enhancement of their professional knowledge and skills. Meanwhile, SOMPO HK also contributes to our society by providing more than just insurance. The CPD courses coordinated by Itech Asia provide not only the certified courses we need, but also sustainable contribution to the charity. In the future, we expect to make more contributions to our society and maintain the practices of our social responsibility.
日本財產保險(香港)有限公司於本年四月開始為員工提供由 Itech (Asia) Company Limited 推出的持續專業進修課程,該課程之部份費用將作為捐款支持香港樂施會。
Itech (Asia) Company Limited 不單為保險業界人士提供持續專業進修課程及顧問服務,亦著力支持慈善機構,並於2022年4月宣佈與香港樂施會籌備是次籌款活動。香港樂施會著重本地貧窮問題,為實現無窮世界的終極目標而努力,並為改善和建設本地扶貧政策作出貢獻。
SOMPO HK 作為香港最佳日本保險公司之一,我們相信員工及業務伙伴是公司最寶貴的資產。我們著重每位員工及保險中介人的專業質素,鼓勵和協助他們持續進修,提升個人的專業水平,以應付社會的轉變。同時,在發展本地業務之餘,我們亦致力為香港社會出一份力。是次 Itech Asia 提供的持續專業進修課程切合我們員工需要之外,亦能為慈善作出可持續的貢獻,極具意義。未來我們期望為本地社會提供更多支持和幫助,實踐我們的社會責任。
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